mercoledì 3 agosto 2011

When a people gets picked up by gunfire


Do not stop the protests and even repression. The wave of the Arab revolt continues. Today, the Syrian regime takes the crowd by gunfire in the city of Hama. If a people, whatever it is, take to the streets in this way means that something has happened. Excluding a 20% compound that can be considered to be "troublemakers" engaged in actions "terrorism" often with prearranged plans, then there are all the others. When even the rest of citizens, one that works, more or less pulls live, more or less do not give anything, that "not engaged" in short, that just wants to live his life regardless of who is in power, decides it is better to take to the streets to continue with their daily routine, then it means that the limit is exceeded. It does not matter for those people fighting for democracy that the abstract even know, but fighting the everyday sopprusi become unsustainable. There is the police beat for trivial reasons, widespread corruption, it becomes impossible to work, to express any idea becomes a minefield, everything becomes a compulsion. So. when enough is enough, instead you get caught with cannon.
Comments sent to the Corriere della Sera on 31/07/2011, 13:03
Courier article link

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