venerdì 30 dicembre 2011

WallStreetJournal fiction resconstruction just to attack EU and Italy

In reply to WSJ article (Link)  "Deepening crisis over Euro pits leader against leader"  
A Wall Street Journal reconstruction reveals how Germany—criticized for not dealing forcefully with the European debt crisis in its early phase—responded to the dangers in Italy this autumn by imposing its power on a divided euro zone.
It seems WSJ fictions. Mr Napolitano brings too much respect for Italian people and is a deep expert of what Italian Democratic Constituition allows him as President of Repubblic  to say that he is just an ottuagenary serving Merkel wills. Merkel is not so superficial to ask this kind of things to Napolitano. Napolitano acted in respect of Italian constiutution possibilities.
Berlusconi is too much hungry of power to leave it just because Germany could ask.
This is a reconstruction without proofs just to attack EU. Is just a way to talk against European Union wich fears USA and UK
We all know that Berlusconi was not able to help Italian economy as Mr Monti  is.
Napolitano can try to create a new government if  there is no more majority in parliament to find another one before decide new elections (before the natural exipiry date of a government , every 5 years there are always new elections) If the parties in parliament decide to support a new majority (as now with Mr Monti supported by the Berlusconi PDL Party (TOO!!) and the opposition PD party) is possible to change an Italian Prime minister. It was the right step for Italy and Europe, the true one formed only by the Countries who accepted Euro as currency.  

domenica 25 dicembre 2011


You can do a lot of things in zero kilometers. For example catch the time, managing its fluidity to our targets. Stop complains , stop doing victims waiting from others solutions to our problems: Becoming adults, deep but light.Loving people whom we choose to love. Reading Dickens or who you want as long as he has a soul and not only technics, a dream and not only cynicism. About the Maya profecy knowing that on dec 21st 2012 nothing will end, but something will start in case. If so , it's better to start it now deep inside in our hearts. Merry Christmas.

(from Sole24ore newspapers) 120,000 PEOPLE IN RED SQUARE, MOSCOW...« We'll come back again , untill they will not give us thigs we want. Aleksej Navalnyj the BLOGGER jailed to report electoral scandals of Putin regime gives voice to the protest of thousands of Russians, he is becoming one of the most popular landmarks.On Christmas eve the fight for legal elections in Russia was transfer to Sakharov Prospekt, North Kremlin, where police reported about 29000 people stepped over electronics ceck points bordering the area given to protesters.

venerdì 23 dicembre 2011

Draghi sends a message to Merkel: ECB role is to be powered

Great demand at the ECB auction for interbank lending at 1% rate from banks of the Euro areain order to increase their liquidity. But not to buy Bonds of weak countries, as Mr Draghi hoped. Banks have first to recapitalize themselves, as required by EBA to have strongerassets. Result: banks do not buy Bond and spreads remain high , the risk is to not providecredit to households and companies.
Investors will not trust the Eurozone untill ECB will not become the official lender of last resort "by putting his face" officially  and only after this round of loans at low interest rateswill be welcomed by the markets.
The last day auction, the "bazooka" of  Mr.Draghi is a brilliant idea but becomes a "toy gun" if all the Euro Countries first of all Germany will not decide this new clear role of the ECB. Thisreform is necessarily to be done togheter with the others to do not frustrate all the dutiful heavy efforts  "done by the single Countries as Greece, Spain and Italy, in terms of taxes and growth, the requests from EBA to the banks, the strict State budget controls demanded byBerlin as a transfer of sovereignty that will bind togheter all the Euro countries, the real Europe at this time ,and not the formal but empty EU with the UK backhanded position of PM Mr.Cameron. After this is possible to attack the deregulated financial system,with  a “Tobin tax” or similar by taxing pure financial transactions and overcome imbalances of an “English” capitalism vision.
In  my opinion Draghi expected a not enthusiastics response from the markets about ECB auction and in this way he is telling to Merkel he can try everithing but untill she will not accept a reform of ECB, no further effort will work and the moves to exit from  the crisisshould be made coordinated and contextual one another: constraints of State Euro budgets, fiscal harmonization, growth  and power to print money. Without even one of these moves, the others remain idle.


venerdì 9 dicembre 2011

UK obstructs reform of EU treaty to defend EURO now: Is the Pound the original sin ?

After all hard difficulty to find new reform for PIIGS country with new efforts especially for Greek people and a new Italian government to change the situation in Italy, an open availability from Germany to give new power to ECB and other European institution, favoring it instead of  German interest and knowing that the honest German people should guarantee for other Countries and pay for their economic laxity in exchange new EU fiscal strict control on Nation budget with automatic sanctions and a true reform to European Union, Europe find this night the inexusable UK position to obstruct the project to save Eurozone.
As we all know Uk uses a competitive currency against Euro even if Uk is an important EU Nation, and a competitive deregulated Market even if it is one of the first reasons of EU crisis.
Every Coutry is call to give something for the common good : Europe and every Country from Greece forced by his political dishonesty to Italy forced by his political laxity to Germany and France less forced but conviced by the better economic advantages of a United Europe instead of an end of it, in exchange of some sacrifice to do now from every one to save the other.
UK PM Cameron is in a backhanded position: from a side Uk is in European Union,and Europe can not exist without England, from the other he doesn' want to defend it from speculative attacks , he doesn' t want to regulate the wrong rules that block the possibility to tame the markets. He doesn't want a true European harmony with the real possibilty to protect all the EU Nations giving at the same time EU the strenght to compete in the global economy and the insurance that every EU member do his homework to protect a common good .
Britain have to decide a clear position: what Uk want from itself ? If Uk wants to stay in Europe it must defend it with some sacrifice of his economy as 
Germany and France did and yeld some national power for a big new confederated Europe to defend this common roots and thake advantage from it. Otherwise it can stay out, as it is doing now but let's not play against, please. The original sin was to mantain its own currency, and now Uk is not ready to be a modern Eu nation capable to create the European dream, mantain it with all the economic advantages welfare and rights gained by all Eurozone, and remain at the same time a great unique Nation as it is. I know, Who is capable? But Please don't ask anything else as French President Mr Sakozy clearly explain in his conference at the end of this night (WATCH VIDEO) with not a 27 new EU treaty but just a 23 Sovranational treaty ,composed of 17 Eurozone counrtries plus 6 of 10 volunteer countries not in EUzone .This is a great number, hopefully enough to save EU, in opposition of the 4 missing countries leaded by Uk and Ungary that obstruct the creation of a new strongest Eu Treaty.   

COMMENT SENT TO WSJ WallStreetJournal ON 9th dec.2011 (no54)

mercoledì 23 novembre 2011

Euro Crisis: transfer of sovereignty or default?

The Euro Union was born without the necessary economic, legislative and executive power given by the countries that support it. 

The Parliament and European institutions are empty. Speculative attacks are directed against a currency that is not representative of a uniform situation. It is not an expression of a Confederation, like the U.S. or Switzerland. There is no certainty that the weaker Countries, with high debt and poor growth, have the financial Community means to support them adequately. In the past years, every Country was not able to stay within the Stability Pacts, there was laxity and failure to punish States who most have wasted resources. The ECB can not act as lender of last resort, that means it can not possibly print money or devalue it, to lighten the positions of debtor Countries, as could instead do the FED. There is also no possibility to control and act directly on the PIIGS budeget under attack. Italy has been the guinea-pig and have raised controversy for the ECB letter to our former government, shouting at meddling of EU into national affairs. Then the government lost its majority and had to resign and everyone understood that if Italy fails, there would be problems for others, including Germany, and the implosion of the Euro. If there is not a joint regulation how could exist a single currency? Everyone will have to sacrifice something to save the Union. The adoption of Eurobonds in partial or total replacement of the sigle nations bonds (to an unfavorable interest rate for Germany but favorable for all other coutries)would be the price that Germans would have to pay to avoid Eurozone failure (and their well!: with a return to mark at the highest rate there would be a vertical fall of German exports to the Eurozone, one of the most important voice of the growth of these years).Chancellor Mrs.Merkel will be able to convince her voters to drink this bitter cup perhaps only at one condition: if at the same time Europe will adopt common laws in theme of fiscal harmony and strictness for the pubblic budgets among the Euro Countries, giving to European Uninon the effective power of supranational control with possible penalties on budgets of the States through a series of constraints that countries defaulting could not escape. It is clear that Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland etc.. are not already in a strong position: they can only choose between a default or an increasing transfer of sovereignty. This last is the only chance left to keep Europe going collectively and democratically regulated. This should not be seen as a punitive intent in advance but as a community effort in the interest of all.It is much better then a suspension from Euro that someone fears: it irreparably harm anyone who should be subjected to. In this case Italian citizens will come out very impoverished, even and especially in their private wealth, one of the economic italian strengths universally recognized. It is hoped that new Italian PM Mr.Monti,in mission Brussels and Strasbourg this week, could give a valuable contribution to take the less painful path for everyone. The sad thing is that Italian political parties do not openly support the "dirty job" that Monti government should do in his next policy moves, just because of their past inability and reluctance in doing surgically cuts to the many privileges present at all levels into Public Administration and in fighting tax evasion and undeclared work. This will be the only way to not frustrate any new request of taxes to Italian people.

Comment sent to Wall Street Journal 11-24th-2011

lunedì 21 novembre 2011

PM Monti prepare his meeting with Merkel and Sarkozy to give a contribution to save Euro

The new government took office and required the trust to the two chambers of Italian Parliament. with a keynote speech of the new PM M.Monti , that require listening and not applauses.  This is the kind leadership that the country should always have, not co-opted but on merit, and not only in this emergency situation. The program of Monti gov. is an Handbook of what should be done and will definitely do: rigor, growth and equity to set for the future elected governments. Everything in a in a single year, a way to solve the secular problems of Italy today, put it at serious risk. There's no more choice and no more time. "Things that Europe  is  asking to us are not away from what is good for the Country" Monti said: "Europe is us and we have to contribute in solving not only the specific italian situation but also the Euro situation from speculative attacks creating common Eurobonds, common econmics laws and control of single countries budgets" I hope togheter with a limited possibility to ECB to print money as FED. And this week Monti will meet Merkel and Sarkozy about this way to prevent the end of Euro with a PIIGS default and also German problems.

martedì 15 novembre 2011

Tomorrow at 11 new PM Monti will show the list of ministers and his program

is not only a competent and style Professor:is a politician too with an high sense of institutions and determined.

OK ,reached by all political forces, for the birth of the new government, except Lega Nord party did not occur in the consultations. This party is perched on fantastic positions to split the country, forgetting that he ruled for three years on majority without doing anything (remember what mr Calderoli did as minister of the simplification of laws? Nothing. Or did Lega Nord a federal system equitable and effective for everyone in Italy? No). However it is better a declared oppostion as Lega Nord said than of an unknown hidden ooposition inside this big coalition of majority. Doubts about the political presence in the government: Gianni Letta for the PdL and Giuliano Amato for the Democratic Party. It seems that politicians attacks Monti for having usurped them a role, to my way of seeing for their evident failure and the loss of parts from the ex former majority, but if they will not participate directly in the new Government,they will demonstrate that while the technical government(not made by politicians elected) is working for Italy, politicians will think only to fight each other and dissociate themselves from the government that officially say to support. Now the house burns. Markets are stressed and it takes determination to solve fairly, and with the consistency of all social and political forces, the country's long-standing problems, ending with a bipolar conflict of the recent past, with the Berlusconi government and those who opposed it. We are waiting for the new program.
Meanwhile, the crisis is spreading: Italian-bond/German-bund spread is again above 500points ,guys of "Occupy WallStreet" in US were cleared from Zuccotti Park in NYC and from other cities of the US.

sabato 12 novembre 2011

Italy turns. Berlusconi falls.

21:34 local time

Nov 12th 2011: Berlusconi resigns.


Berlusconi government falls with no more national and international credibility. After he denied the existence of economic crisis in Italy and did not anything to solve the italian structural problems of economic growth, exposing Italy more than any other country default risk. 

The Berlusconi government in these three years only tried to do laws against press and justice, blocked by a huge illiberal conflict of interest. Now everybody wait for a new liberal (this time really!) government with the new PM Monti, which sets good example, cutting privileges and fighting corruption, anti-meritocratic systems , tax evasion and doing antitrust actions before anything else. This requires that all Italian Parties put their face in this project with responability for Italy and Europe. Then in 2013 new elections will be possible with a new electoral system.

Probably tomorrow or at least Monday, the new "National Unity" Government led by Mario Monti

giovedì 10 novembre 2011

The situation in Italy: a new government by excellent economist Mario Monti is the only way possible to give Italy a chance

Berlusconi resigned slowly.When everybody understood that his vain government is linked to a major damn for Italy and its debt on the rate of Italian bond market always higher and higher.
Now it's up to the Parliament. Will it be able to listen the President of Repubblic Napolitano? He is looking for a big coalition to support Mario Monti as President of an "Emrgency Government" to give stability and reform to Italy after Berlusconi-storm with a big coalition.The left Democratic Party and Center Democratic Party are agree from long time . The ex majority (Pdl the Berlusconi Party and Lega nord) are not so sure but knows how near is the brink for Italy. The ex comunist party lives "in Mars" but fortunatly is a little Party and is not agree to a real liberal Monti government.
There is no time to loose in preparing elections with a non adequate electoral system, to reform too. There is no time to an electoral campaign during an attack against Italy, a Country that put at risk all the Eurozone because Berlusconi did'nt cut political budget cuts , waste of pubblic administration and did not do antitrust actions (Mediaset shares,the company of Berlusconi lost a lot of value at the same time he decided to stop his political positions), anti-corruption actions, welfare-actions to protect temporary job positions and did not stimulate economic growth at the same time.
Who could do all this things now as soon as possible as EU ask vigorously? Mario Monti (ex EU commissioner and excellent, stimated and well known in the world economist) said: "There is a huge hard work to do for Italy to exit from crisis". Probably he could be the next Premier of the government, only if all the parties from left to right in parliament will set above the good for Italy (and Europe) instead of particular interests and this is not predictable, is the real battle to win, indeeed. The risk is linked to the high irresponsability the political class, present in these days in all parties, incapable to find a limited but keen program for Italy till 2013 ferrying the Country to new elections with a new system.

Comment sent to THE ECONOMIST nov10th 2011 
and WALL STREET JOURNAL nov 11th 2011

domenica 6 novembre 2011

Democracy and global capitalism. Why Occupy WallStreet

< I want to respond to an article appeared on "London Review of Books"(here the link) signed by Slavoj Zizek (*) in which it is claimed, provocatively in my opinion, that democracy in this crisis seems to be the real enemy. We all know how this moment is historical, not only for Italy but also for the European Union and the whole world.

We understood today we are in fact dominated by global finance capitalism which created also "global" problems to the whole planet and to many who had no voice (as Africans) were added problems to Americans and Europeans, who have more voice. Hence arose the protests around the world, in different forms, from the Arab revolutions to "Occupy Wall Street".

"We are 99%" is the shout of the Zuccotti Park occupants. A protest as "Occupy Wall Street" had never happened before in US the coutry where modern capitalism was has been created. Protesters at the bottom has more questions and indignation than answers to offer.

Slavoj Zizek also tells us that national democracies today are slow and ineffective, inadequate to address the problems that today's global financial crisis arises because:

1) Every democracy has a smaller legislative sovereignty than any problems that arise in global markets. The market has a dynamic and supranational rules that make it non-adjustable from democracies that have not a slim supra-national governance slim.

As seen in every International economic Summit done,as the G20, everything always ends in a stalemate. For example, the implementation of a common law as the Tobin Tax on financial transactions (on the effectiveness of which I will not go into) are unable to implement and the time of burocracy is always longer than those that the evolution of market crisis requires.

From this we easly understand that while there is already a mature global capitalism there is no global laws nor a democratic organization responsible for its implementation.

2) The national democracies were born as issued by the birth of the capitalist model of the bourgeois class' 800 and derive livelihood from it,and this submissive position (lobbying) forbids the system of governance: to really fight the problems that global capitalism today places you should put a discussion on democracies themselves.

I'm not against capitalism itself. Capitalism in itself is neither good nor bad, but no one ever treated it for what it really is, a means and not an end of the human social system, and this is the fundamental difference.

Now Slavoj Zizek says if is democracy the real enemy? I firmly say no, it still remains "the best of the worst kind of government possible," and some rights (as free elections, free press, independent judiciary, respect for human rights) are not insignificant and has been guaranteed better than past or contemporary totalitarisms.

Easy to say, hard to do, but I think the only solution that remains is not to destroy the good of Democracy, but change it back to its role not just for a nation but for the whole world.

To overcome the crisis is necessary an evolution of democracy and the degree of responsibility of each of us.

This is not "export democracy" and bring all to one model. "Global Democracy" means instead that every nation give up a portion of its sovereignty in order to place it in the hands of a world federal democratic system to respond easly to the global problems that crisis poses to all of us.

I would say to "Occupy WallStreet" movement, when it asks the right to forgive of debts by 99% of the people against the salvation of 1%, it must not forgive that the danger of not be able to pay the debt is not in the failure of some banks, but in the risk that doing so will entice to be all even more irresponsibile, thinking that then everyone (banks , countries , people) could start to make debts again and again because they will be saved in the end , without asking anything in return.. Every abuse could be always condoned.

Without a new accountability it would be an irresponsible encouragement to do new acts that created the crisis itself: the irresponsible spenders would be rewarded and those who responsible and careful took care of the territory,environment, energies and or paid taxes would be screwed.

Who is better to run things would be declassified and who has squandered would be rewarded with forgiveness of debts.

Is possible to forgive debts today only in exchange of laws and programs of global responsibility and punishment for tomorrow, whom each Country will be required to respond.

Some things like water, the planet, the environment, the rights and dignity of humans,animals and nature are the property of everyone life and it needs to have a common legislative and supervisory power systems.

You can save 99% if 99% in exchange decides to change course to a supranational and democratic system, (dear Zizek!),for ensuring the goods that are supranational.

Then the excess of debt, but also the conditions of workers in China or Africa, unemployment and workers conditions, the bail out of the banks and of the people , the environmental destruction caused by business, management of industrial production methods, require shared global choices.

China can not pollute as England in IX century, because the economic information and the implications are global.
I do not say anything so utopian:

after the Second World War, the UN was created precisely to try to make a world government in which at the highest level the differences among people will be subjected to a realistic and achievable common good in which we all recognize it, men equal and part of the same planet with no winners and losers, rulers and subjects, etc. but everyone in equal respect for its uniqueness. The UN unfortunatly lacks a real executive power.

For example the problem of migration is common, the problem of african wars are one of my problem before than an immigrant come in my country (where he has to be welcome, but do not hide orselves that his integration is sometimens problematic), or the honest Germans want to save the Greek brothers, whose government has rigged the accounts, only if they acquire a new degree of common legislative responsibility and sanctioning because they will understand that made up the accounts has been a problem for their German brothers who have paid taxes instead. Ditto for Italy. Each State must know that a Global Democracy can not forgive debts without an high price to pay in terms of empowerment of responsability of the people, banks and the financial system. This is the unique way to adjust the finance system in wich somenone could not only gain , but gain onlyin respect of the territory and dignity of all.

Utopia guides reality in the creation of systems of governance. Listening to "Image" by J. Lennon or watching "The Green Planet" movie will help us to make to find a new model real and correctable under construction for the development of the world mafter crisis.

The UN was an utopia: it took a war and the Holocaust to became reality. It's up to us to decide how much suffering: it is certain that sufference is not necessary to do this change, it could be done without pain.

(*) Slavoj Zizek: Slovenian philosopher and scholar of psychoanalysis. His latest book is "From tragedy to farce. Ideology and the overcoming of the crisis of capitalism "-Ponte alle Grazie - 2010

CommNet sent to the ' Internationale magazine , the London Review of Books , Occupy WallStreet and Adbusters on 06/11/2011

sabato 5 novembre 2011

Bersani speech in Rome for demonstration of Democratic Party against the government

LIVE Piazza San Giovanni is full: it is a success of this event against the the denial of the reality of president Berlusconi: who deny that we are in fact under control of IMF and the EU, and said that the crisis does not exist because the restaurants and the planes are full of consumers and that the problems would be related to the exchange rate Euro / Lira too unfavorable, forgetting the fact that the lira was in that time very devalued. Today's Italy lack of credibility and foresight push Bersani,leader of opposition PD (Democratic party), to give a chance: Italy must return to its real place in the world and the Italians must be represented better by serious and capable politicians. As argued by ECB PRES.Draghi Bersani says the problems will end if each country will solve it with inner reforms fairly and giving example by the political class, by public authority and with economic liberalization (that Bersani has proven to be able to do in the past govern as economic minister) togheter with a better condition for unpermanent job workers condition. All things that this government did not in these three years.
Now It seems that the numbers of the majority begin to creak and the Democratic Party wants to be ready to save the country from the credibility gap and return to do first of all the things that serve Italy and not those that serve to one person for his legal problems.
And when Berlusconi will resign he will leave the problems with the difference that it will be possible, clear away from populism, begin to solve them without waiting for the flood and finally face the reality

giovedì 3 novembre 2011

Draghi: first press conference as ECB President

Few important principles of his govern to a continuing inflexible indipendence , credibility, stability, respect of EU treaty, and in a way the idea that every State must solve his problem without an external help (considering tha actual ECB purchase of Soverreign bond too, as "not endless and did only to mantain the euro stability policy" ) to have a permanent exit from crisis.(with job reforms, structural reforms and economic liberalizations for a long term growth)
Today he also cut rate of -0,25%
VIDEO Here the first press conference of ECB president Mario Draghi 

mercoledì 2 novembre 2011

Italian Repubblic President Napolitano: looking for urgent widely shared social reforms asked by EU.

Given the lack of credibility enjoyed by the Italian Berlusconi Government, the Italian Repubblic President Napolitano started talks with all the parties looking for urgents reforms urgent widely shared.
Meanwhile Nichi Vendola, leader of extreme left party , would not give his availability to a new "technical government" after Berlusconi, perching on the "principles" that in the past created only damage yet.
"The idea of ​​a technical government (with a parliament majority not directly elected ), an emergency-response does not solve the problem we are facing: a long structural crisis of a social financial model" said Vendola.
It is an irresponsible position at this time for a politician who has to make realistic choices in the context of this crucial and dangerous moment for Italy.
"Those who underestimate this one, takes right now an historical responsibility" said Mr.Bersani, leader af Democratic Party ( addressed to the current majority but also to the pride of the "pure" Vendola's party.
It is necessary stop saying that the crisis is a development model crisis, that we all understood,it is enough for this kind of rhetoric that doesn't enchant anybody more. Let's see Nichi Vendola get off the pedestal and tuck his sleeves together with the other parties to rebuild the national credibility in front of the markets and the EU states confederation.

Comment sent to Unità newspapaper on 02/11/2011(ITA)

domenica 30 ottobre 2011

Cuts to politic waste is not useless: it would be a crucial save for Italy.

Italia-land wasted: When many little waste make a big waste?
Cost of politic waste weigh 350 euros each family.
Cuts would not be just a facade, they would be to solve a real problem. Indeed, many small cuts would create a savings of billions of euros for the Sate budget and in the end for all citizens.
It would be a useful response against speculative attacks from market, and push every italian to accept better every sacrifice requested.
There are a lot of cuts that could be done starting from politician pension (it's enough just five year in the parliament for a politician to receive a rich pension, even 40000€/monthly for life, since 50 years of repubblican hystory) to the official state cars, to money and benfit enjoyed by all level politicians and the various unnecessary and expensive pubblic works, never realized as the bridge from Calabria to Sicily island for example.
I wish to do a class action against waste of Italian Politic.

Comment sent to the Sole 24 Ore newspaper on 30/10/2011 (ita)

venerdì 28 ottobre 2011

ITALIAN GOV. LETTER TO EU: an ambitious plan in a hurry.

No doubt about it: the Prime Minister did something, forced by EU: a plan for growth and foundraising to reduce the public debt and ambitious pursuit of things done not before, nor in this previous years or by previous governments (even the ex Berlusconi's governments) of the past twenty years.


Berlusconi decided all by himself, in his style, "or with me or against me", with him loyalists and without the contribution of the economy minister Tremonti and part of the government. Now he shamelessly asks and expects the opposition and the social syndicates and unions must play their part without criticize:How could ask it without having first involved them in writing the letter. Accusations of defeatism against the opposition parties does not make sense at this point.

For example: it could be good facilitate the dismissals of permanent job positions with economic crisis motivations, but why he didn't do also a detailed mention about an implement to support non permanent workers, in order to fill the gap of their discontinuity at work and tax contributions, as also EU asked us at the same time?

It would be good mention actions against tax evasion to implement. Involve opposition parties after the letter and not before writing it, makes hard to believe to the described intents of supporting education and research, however, invoked after cuts for schools and with an university reform not shared.

 Is it okay to want improve efficiency in public administration, but it is not credible because these actions are not associated with a clear intent to cut at the same time the privileges of politicians: he can not invoke a change in the pensions for all and allow that just with a single term of a legislature is possible to receive a pension for life. Giving the example is realy important in politics.

Reforming Italian state to a federal constitutional architecture with the end of perfect bicameralism and a streamlining the process of the laws presented by the government could be done but only by a large majority of the parliament and certainly not just by this prime minister who often uses to be in conflict against the other constitutional powers, first of all justice.

The noble intentions to recovery the economic italian south area is near to utopia with the deadlines given. The problem of the low GDP of southern Italy is so gangrenous over the centuries and linked to criminal oreganizations and to the spread of undeclared workers. It can only be solved by a large majority and with a serious 360 degree debate and actions with the opposition parties.

At the end mr.Berlusconi was again unable to find and write shared solutions so in this way he increases the risk remains that this letter will remain plenty of good unachievable intents.

Comment sent to the Sole24ore newspapaer on 27/10/2011(it)

lunedì 17 ottobre 2011

Who is the real Subversive?

But Lavitola, who really is this man? From the phone tapping we know this assiduous frequenter of the pm provides political advices to and receives money.
Did we ever vote him?
Can the President express subversive ideas against the other power (justice) of the Italian Republic ?
Who are the real subversive? Subversive judges don't exist : they are doing their job and they cannot be subversive just because the accused is the premier? Ok the blackmailability,ok the escort in exchange for contracts,ok child prostitution, ok to bribe the judges, but in these days where everyone is against the violents of yesterday Rome riots, is it right also to invoke a "real revolution" and "besiege the newspapers" from the role that he cover up? It's an important matter of principle. The right to privacy of our prime minister, touched only because he speaks with alleged criminals phone-intercepted, is limited from holding public office and he must explain to all of us his conduct at any time.
Here is the LINK HERE the phone tapping from the investigation.
Let's expose the black block and all the subversives.
Comment sent to Repubblica newspaper on 17/10/2011

domenica 16 ottobre 2011

Cops injuried in Rome Riots

First of all my SOLIDARITY TO COPS INJURED from thugs who have ruined the peaceful democratic demonstration in Rome yesterday

From The Forum webSite cops are outraged:

"Nobody wants to intervene with no warranties, and I do not speak of impunity, simple to operate with the best guarantees. .. When you want the war than it deserves. Why not act? Because we no longer want to be investigated, convicted, pilloried and do well to pay off a mortgage to these dregs of society ".

As mentioned yesterday, today we have technical confirmation by cops themselves:

No work of prevention, coordination and no guarantees for the action of cops: in this state of affairs they can not stop the violence. Mind you I'm not saying no rules of engagement or impunity for abuses by the police, I'm talking about strategies of public order with the necessary guarantees for a democracy"

I would punish the thugs  with the reorganization of the damage did yesterday in Rome.

Meanwhile, the network is mobilized: identify those who have ruined the party

"... As long as these politicians continue to gorge themselves without thinking about other ways to manage the public order" (there are even ways to avoid the charges, just see the other European police forces) "I will continue to look at my ass seated down".

When no one takes care of these issues at ministerial level is better doin nothing, said another cop

"All politicians express solidarity to the police just in words but the government want to cut police expense"

sabato 15 ottobre 2011

Indignados: Riots in Rome by Black Block, as usual, why waiting to fight ?

Why every time Police can not prevent riots during a the demonstration in Rome? Why Officiers do not manage to organize better this events? After all Police must repress the violent disorders and has my full support. Like the majority of peaceful protesters who are against violence..

Fire Bombs hit Tax Agency, the Defense Ministry and police vans against riots in Piazza San Giovanni..

venerdì 14 ottobre 2011

New confidence to Italian government:

Another trust for the government: now has the numbers but will it be able to govern ? The majority was split on the ideas (if they have the haphazard Managers) and is not able to give quick responses to the crisis denied that yesterday. Many things had to be done already, how to cut the cost of politics, the provinces, the inefficiencies of the state machine and instead has focused only on laws to muzzle freedom of press, of how not to guarantee the certainty of punishment with the short limitation (for both investment-attracting healthy), tailored to save the prime minister by his legal problems (corruption in the Mills trial). The jolt to the economy so frequently invoked by Berlusconi himself months ago with letters to the Courier and Padani in Pontida was not given. The government is ineffective, government numbers, not in fact, a government tired no international credibility and tied to chairs. As the Financial Times wrote today: "It's time to go."
Comment sent to the Sole 24 Ore, 14 / 10 / 2011

mercoledì 21 settembre 2011

What Italy must do. Why the Prime minister should do one step back.

At this time, Confindustria has also realized that our premier is more a problem than a solution. A problem for the overwhelming amount of evidence that would require a "step back" because justice will be done on his honor or guilt. The parliament makes laws now to save the Prime Minister from the judgments, seeking to lengthen the process and shortening the time of prescription, with the side effect that no one can get justice and no one will invest more in a country with no certainty of justice. There is evidence of the presence of a minor child prostitution in situations in which the prime minister was present ,He called a police station, out of its functions, imposing a police custody with a release to Minetti, contrary to the provisions of the magistrate for children,. Some people linked to prostitution rings sit in public roles and are paid by us.. The church at least on the sins rather than crimes had to have a more clear-cut. There is no evidence to show the blackmail of the Prime Minister through prostitution because it was intended to bid rigging on state contracts, and today has a Prime Minister's credibility, at least duped by criminals in jail or at large today? (Which he defends and which suggests the run). How many heads of government, some perhaps even offended (Merkel "Butt .."?, 's" tanned "Obama), may now know or believe that this government wants to make reforms for growth, you need to do to the country, to the beyond the claims of all shocks' economy, those who wish to be photographed or sit down to dinner with a prime minister like that? So we figure deserving of Greece. And at home, even those who support the criminals, not by authorizing the arrest of Milan or Cosentino, or having a minister under investigation for mafia, but favors the hereditary transmission of power and evokes fanciful secession after having supported a government that not only did the federal tax, but rather has raised taxes and cut the costs nor the State nor the policy. "Apres moi le deluge?" No: Fearless at home. For a new season in which there is a revolution that is imposed in the minds of Italians, especially the ruling classes. public honesty which combats tax evasion and inefficient (they can also lay public), corruption at all levels, for compliance, transparency and without conflict of interest, you have to go after two legislatures home and of course, with a swifter justice, offenders are excluded from parliament. In addition, this government is no longer elected by the Italians after the release of Fini and the entrance to the sale of so-called "leaders" do not know what then can be dissolved. Prevent the country going to hell.

Posted to Il Sole 24 Ore, 21/09/2011

sabato 3 settembre 2011

In 2008 Berlusconi said to justify those who evade taxes now is credible he wants to fight them?

I refer you to the link from "Il Giornale"newspaper of April 2, 2008, where Mr Berlusconi says he thinks justified the tax evasion . Now his Government make a financial austerity program  based on the fight to the tax dodgers, a conversion ... the European Union and markets express doubts, who guess why ?


Go to the link from the Journal of 02/04/2008

Comment sent to "The newspaper Done" on 03/09/2011 at 23:59

giovedì 1 settembre 2011

A simple financial law for Italy: eliminate the cash = disappearance of fiscal evasion

Certainty of Judgement, justice and punishment, cut waste, inefficiencies, privileges, and operations for growth: this is needed.for Italy, It seems  that the Berlusconi's government instead decides on something, then after evaluating the first public reaction on the network , never changes..
 We should do  one thing: to eliminate forever the enourmous tax evasion:against the crisis and to defeate the pubblic debt: eliminate forever the cash and use only  electronic cards, it is safer and resolutive, in short, a digital revolution to be easier to do that to say  Then, with this certainty we could even lowering taxes and encouraging economic  growth..

Similar Comment sent to the Corriere della Sera 01/09/2011 17:29 h

lunedì 15 agosto 2011

U.S. Crisis, Italian Crisis and...China too?

In an 'economy that has long since lost the plot, the intricacies of a financial system that purports to regulate the real world in the total absence of common rules, we must return to the fundamentals of the economy.After decades of growth in the U.S. we have realized that the market is self-regulated. Put the profit as the only goal you can "play the bets" on the backs of States and individuals enmeshed in bureaucracies that slow responses to speculative attacks with a mouse click.How can we expect the market to be forgiving? And not ', then we need to find global rules of the game to play: it is not' no longer a heresy to say that the futures and similar instruments can not influence the market with this preponderance. The United States and Europe are groping in the dark with improvised answers and still slow browsing on demand and without a plan, but especially broad vision, shared and debated, not ideologies that can re-discuss the economy at least in the rules for a real relationship between goods, benefits and real wealth: for example, is still valid as an index of GDP? You can think of to keep on growing? Until you can finance puto investimneti wriggling on the 'real company? A study of the Financial Times showed that the investment funds that follow Islamic laws (which prohibit a bank loan and are therefore always linked to a real asset) are have shown that greater security of income over time: this can teach us something? Even the Americans have understood this: you can not create the debt since you want to read ... this crisis positively, and 'an' explicit request from the common rules of the market gone mad (it was the week with major fluctuations in the Dow Jones by when Wall Street does exist and the inventors of modern capitalism hannno lost their triple-A). We have created a global world and the media, the media web to a global real-time communication, but ok to tell us something?States are not attacked (see Germany) esprimopno values ​​beyond the market that have a political vision is not submissive and docile, but the directive and express a hope of economic growth on a path to seeking, to 'education, innovation , essentially the renewal of life for its citizens, states which use the market and none is used.Greece and 'was dishonest: its politicians (some of which express the attitudes of the people who elected them) they have been, and now the most vulnerable pay more. L 'Italy blames the crisis of his condition instead of thinking that the strikes against it with violence because this is more an effect than a cause. One effect of his lack of credibility and solvency rates linked to rampant corruption, tax evasion and failure to resolve its structural problems by the age-old certainty of a swift justice to the South link road to a regulation of immigration is essential, and species that do not handle sapiamo: things that have independent causes of the crisis but today it shows urgently.If we showed we want to solve these problems the markets did not attack us: and 'obvious that an economic measure as an agreement extremistra Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. is not enough.The crisis is a result of unresolved problems, not the cause. The violence in Egypt and Syria and also incotrollabilità of English society with the riots in London are the facets. Now there is no one is better: is China will do well to fear, and its accounts for at least a couple of reasons: not only because it is a main creditor of the U.S.. If we look at the fundamental fact, even though its GDP is growing faster than any other we know that much is due to 'exports and has deliberately kept low the value of its currency and that this is not the present value of its growth. And ok the GDP is high, but social inequalities are very large. At the bottom is a country without freedom, the more we are rich, the more you realize there. Once they meet the basic necessities for survival, they are asking for more rights, otherwise those who want to live in a country without freedom, a country that is rich enough and that it enriches some and impoverishes the many? At the end is a country in which it is useless to work: in short, do not end up doing the slaves who produce goods for the unemployed, the balance in the world must change, and the U.S. will lose its status as a leader only if China will open up to democracy ( and as sapiamo is not exportable and not won in a year) and Europe to its true unity, not only streamlined and economical.

mercoledì 3 agosto 2011

When a people gets picked up by gunfire


Do not stop the protests and even repression. The wave of the Arab revolt continues. Today, the Syrian regime takes the crowd by gunfire in the city of Hama. If a people, whatever it is, take to the streets in this way means that something has happened. Excluding a 20% compound that can be considered to be "troublemakers" engaged in actions "terrorism" often with prearranged plans, then there are all the others. When even the rest of citizens, one that works, more or less pulls live, more or less do not give anything, that "not engaged" in short, that just wants to live his life regardless of who is in power, decides it is better to take to the streets to continue with their daily routine, then it means that the limit is exceeded. It does not matter for those people fighting for democracy that the abstract even know, but fighting the everyday sopprusi become unsustainable. There is the police beat for trivial reasons, widespread corruption, it becomes impossible to work, to express any idea becomes a minefield, everything becomes a compulsion. So. when enough is enough, instead you get caught with cannon.
Comments sent to the Corriere della Sera on 31/07/2011, 13:03
Courier article link