giovedì 1 settembre 2011

A simple financial law for Italy: eliminate the cash = disappearance of fiscal evasion

Certainty of Judgement, justice and punishment, cut waste, inefficiencies, privileges, and operations for growth: this is needed.for Italy, It seems  that the Berlusconi's government instead decides on something, then after evaluating the first public reaction on the network , never changes..
 We should do  one thing: to eliminate forever the enourmous tax evasion:against the crisis and to defeate the pubblic debt: eliminate forever the cash and use only  electronic cards, it is safer and resolutive, in short, a digital revolution to be easier to do that to say  Then, with this certainty we could even lowering taxes and encouraging economic  growth..

Similar Comment sent to the Corriere della Sera 01/09/2011 17:29 h

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