martedì 15 novembre 2011

Tomorrow at 11 new PM Monti will show the list of ministers and his program

is not only a competent and style Professor:is a politician too with an high sense of institutions and determined.

OK ,reached by all political forces, for the birth of the new government, except Lega Nord party did not occur in the consultations. This party is perched on fantastic positions to split the country, forgetting that he ruled for three years on majority without doing anything (remember what mr Calderoli did as minister of the simplification of laws? Nothing. Or did Lega Nord a federal system equitable and effective for everyone in Italy? No). However it is better a declared oppostion as Lega Nord said than of an unknown hidden ooposition inside this big coalition of majority. Doubts about the political presence in the government: Gianni Letta for the PdL and Giuliano Amato for the Democratic Party. It seems that politicians attacks Monti for having usurped them a role, to my way of seeing for their evident failure and the loss of parts from the ex former majority, but if they will not participate directly in the new Government,they will demonstrate that while the technical government(not made by politicians elected) is working for Italy, politicians will think only to fight each other and dissociate themselves from the government that officially say to support. Now the house burns. Markets are stressed and it takes determination to solve fairly, and with the consistency of all social and political forces, the country's long-standing problems, ending with a bipolar conflict of the recent past, with the Berlusconi government and those who opposed it. We are waiting for the new program.
Meanwhile, the crisis is spreading: Italian-bond/German-bund spread is again above 500points ,guys of "Occupy WallStreet" in US were cleared from Zuccotti Park in NYC and from other cities of the US.

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