venerdì 30 dicembre 2011

WallStreetJournal fiction resconstruction just to attack EU and Italy

In reply to WSJ article (Link)  "Deepening crisis over Euro pits leader against leader"  
A Wall Street Journal reconstruction reveals how Germany—criticized for not dealing forcefully with the European debt crisis in its early phase—responded to the dangers in Italy this autumn by imposing its power on a divided euro zone.
It seems WSJ fictions. Mr Napolitano brings too much respect for Italian people and is a deep expert of what Italian Democratic Constituition allows him as President of Repubblic  to say that he is just an ottuagenary serving Merkel wills. Merkel is not so superficial to ask this kind of things to Napolitano. Napolitano acted in respect of Italian constiutution possibilities.
Berlusconi is too much hungry of power to leave it just because Germany could ask.
This is a reconstruction without proofs just to attack EU. Is just a way to talk against European Union wich fears USA and UK
We all know that Berlusconi was not able to help Italian economy as Mr Monti  is.
Napolitano can try to create a new government if  there is no more majority in parliament to find another one before decide new elections (before the natural exipiry date of a government , every 5 years there are always new elections) If the parties in parliament decide to support a new majority (as now with Mr Monti supported by the Berlusconi PDL Party (TOO!!) and the opposition PD party) is possible to change an Italian Prime minister. It was the right step for Italy and Europe, the true one formed only by the Countries who accepted Euro as currency.  

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